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Preparations of the DI-MARC Croatia project team related to holding training in the field of digital marketing for people with disabilities

The Center for Entrepreneurship, the Entrepreneurial Development Center of the Municipality of
Erdut, the Municipality of Erdut and the Jaglac Association are partners of the international project

DI-MARC – “Digital Marketing Capacity Building – Empowering Persons with Physical Disabilities for
Remote Work”.
Representatives of the aforementioned organizations and institutions held a meeting of the project
team, during which they once again jointly went through the curricula developed by the project, in
the areas of Digital Marketing Strategy, Content Marketing and Social Media Marketing.

Also, the meeting discussed details related to the implementation of free education for people with
disabilities, which will enable them to acquire valuable skills in the field of digital marketing and thus
increase the chances of employment in the remote work sector. We will bring more details about the educations themselves soon.