Project Coordinator:
Institute of Economic Sciences (IES), Belgrade, Serbia is a research institution and a lead partner in the project, responsible to comprises the overall management. The IES scientific research is focused primarily on business economics, the economics of labor and social issues, international economic relations, and sustainable development. It employs 39 researchers and other administrative staff. IES implements equality as an instrument for the creation of an environment of equal opportunities, rights and obligations, respecting the highest scientific standards and ethics in research. IES has 65 years of excellence in conducting scientifically based research in all areas of economics, including employment, labor mobility, digital economy, social inclusion, and skills. IES was engaged in the implementation of projects funded by the EU, UN, GIZ, SDC, World Bank, USAID, and other renowned international organizations and institutions. Also, IES has participated in and financed the implementation of projects relevant to this project proposal (Interreg-IPA CBC Croatia-Serbia Programme and internal project Digital Competences of PWD in the Republic of Serbia and their Involvement in Remote Work Platforms) and therefore has required competences and capacity to implement it. IES has very intensive international and regional cooperation and pays special attention to encouraging and advancing scientific research through the exchange of information and ideas among scientific, business, non-governmental and governmental experts in Serbia, WB region and the world. It is member of the SEEA (South-Eastern European Association of Economic Institutes) that gathers 6 institutes in the field of economic from the WB region, International Association of Development Institutes (EADI), the Hexalateral of the Economic Institutes of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as other international, regional and national scientific organizations and associations.
Project partners:
Regional Agency for Development and European Integrations (RADEI), Belgrade, Serbia is a regional development agency founded in 2002 by The City of Belgrade, supported by an EU operational grant. RADEI is a key coordinator of the development of the Belgrade Region. RADEI supports the City of Belgrade in project preparation and implementation, having so far implemented or participated in over 30 projects. RADEI has an active role in Serbia’s accession negotiations and national IPA programming. RADEI delivered over 12.000 consulting services, performed over 1.300 training and over 70 mentoring services. RADEI is a focal point for strategic development of the City of Belgrade as a European region, european integration process in the Belgrade region, coordination of funding sources and activities for the realization of projects and strong support to the SME sector. As part of its mandate, RADEI raises awareness of the EU integration process, and available EU funds, and educates on EU project preparation regarding project cycle management (preparing, implementing and monitoring projects); regional development; development and set up strategic documents, action plans and policy at the Belgrade Region level; development of entrepreneurship and support to SME sector, unemployed and vulnerable groups; trainings and dissemination of information about self-employment, innovation, business management, digital skills, financial management, social entrepreneurship, EU funds, and national programs related to regional development; active media connections and strong dissemination activities, including proactive use of social media and events organization and management.
Association of PWD (UOSI) Belgrade, Serbia is a non-profit association, established in 2012, to achieve the objectives in the field of social and health care, legal, safety, and employment of PWD. UOSI currently has 270 members and has at its disposal associate psychologists, social workers – defectologists, and communication associates. In the last 10 years, UOSI focused on improving the life and work of PWD by coordinating projects, holding workshops, organizing sports activities, educational and employment assistance and providing legal and financial assistance of care for PWD. Also, UOSI provided computer literacy and basic computer skills training for over 100 PWD. It has received accolades from the City of Belgrade for its effort and contribution to the cit10-year plan of advancement in the domain of resolving the problems with which PWD are facing. UOSI participated in many projects like “I can, I will…” that has been awarded the esteemed award “Star of Belgrade ” in 2016 for its contribution to the betterment of the standing of PWD.
Local administration municipality of Erdut (ME), Croatia is located at the easternmost part of Croatia and is characterized as rural and multicultural area where 62% of population are ethnic minorities. ME has 11 employees. Economy of ME is based on agriculture, wine production, construction, trade and in the last decade a sustainable tourism development. ME continuously works in the field of strengthening their capacity for better understanding of EU integration and process in different fields and has operational, technical and professional capacities for project implementation since it’s field work is directly related to the needs of local community and includes specific areas such as social entrepreneurship. Through project VISITUS in the Interreg IPA CBC programme Croatia-Serbia, ME got a very significant experience with blind and partially sighted people. Also, ME is continuously working on the exchange of experience and best practice with other municipalities through cross-border cooperation such as: Hungary, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia etc.
Entrepreneurship development center of Erdut Municipality local development Agency Ltd. (EDCEM), Croatia was established in 2007 with the idea to form an entrepreneurial-supporting institution that will be of service to citizens and basic for the development of entrepreneurship. The main activities of EDCEM include development of entrepreneurship, tourism, and local strategy documents, implementation of projects for ME, cooperation with local community and local stakeholders, creation an entrepreneurial environment, cooperation and exchange information with other entrepreneurial development center, and other relevant institution. EDCEM will be available to partners as support in the implementation of activities and will work to achieve set indicators aimed at increasing users’ digital marketing skills. Continuous promotion of the project and transfer of examples of good practice to other organizations in the Republic of Croatia will also be carried out.
Centre for Entrepreneurship Osijek (CFE), Croatia is a business support institution, that was founded in 1997 as an NGO. The main activities of CFE are entrepreneurial support and EU project implementation. CFE employs a total of 6 experts from the field of entrepreneurship, EU funds and finance who have participated in over 80 national and international projects such as: The business potential of academic R&D activities in the university centers and their transfer to SMEs in the Cross-Border Region (CROSBOR&D); Interreg 2006- 2007, Tradition for the Future; Rural Tourism across Boarders–CBC Croatia -Serbia 2011-2012; Education and Networking – Opportunity for Employment–IPA IV 2011-2012; CO-EFFICIENT–MED 2013-2015; APP4INNO–SEE 2012 – 2014; Pannonia Organica–CBC Croatia-Serbia 2013-2014; Guidance Partnership Service–CBC Croatia– Hungary 2013 -2014; A.C.T.I.V.E.–IPA IV 2014–2015; Strengthening Women’s position on the labor market-IPA IV 2013-2014; Entrepreneurial Academy- ESF: Education for Entrepreneurship and Crafts Programme, 2015; ARIJA-Creating a favorable business environment through the provision of high quality business services, European Regional Development Fund, OP Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020. Among others, CFE implemented two projects intended for PWD in the area of Osijek-Baranja County titled “Strengthening the competences of PWD for the labor market”. The aim of the projects was to strengthen the knowledge, skills and competences of PWD, and to create better opportunities for their employment and better conditions for their economic independence. CFE organizes different networking activities such as conferences, meetings and round tables and has strong connections with civil society including different stakeholders from NGOs, women entrepreneurs and youth, public bodies, faculties and entrepreneurs. On a mission to create an entrepreneurial environment not just in business, but in every aspect of life, CFE has been recognized as one of the key stakeholders, not just on local, but rather on the national level.
Association of person with intellectual disabilities „JAGLAC“, Orahovica, Croatia was founded in 2002 with the aim to improve the quality of life of children and young persons with developmental disabilities, PWD and adults with intellectual disabilities. JAGLAC acts in favor of equalizing their opportunities by creating conditions for active inclusion and equal participation in society. It employs 40 people and have 184 members, out of which 50 are regular members and 134 are supporting members. In the last 20 years, JAGLAC has experience in providing projects on regional, national and EU level, holding workshops, organizing sports activities, education and employment assistance, providing legal and financial assistance and assistance in the organization of care for PWD. The main goal of many projects was to encourage social, economic, and political change with the aim of improving the economic, social, educational, health, and legal status of marginalized groups. JAGLAC provides non-institutional social services by implementing projects and programs outside Networks of social service providers (although it has a License to provide half-day social services of residence 25 PWDs) and thus contributes to the development of the human rights model and the social model quality support for PWID using the resources of the local community with the aim of improving the quality of life of PWD. JAGLAC provided many projects like “My assistant IV Providing personal assistance services for PWD at home”; “Improvement of competences that contribute to permanent social inclusion” – Partner (increasing the possibilities of entering the labor market for PWD and young people up to 29 years of age through the maintenance of education and non-formal education programs, which at the same time contributes to the reduction of social exclusion and additional marginalization); “Teach me and I will succeed!”- The partnership approach of the civil and public sector that enables the availability and expansion of social services in the community for PWD.
Local administration municipality of Kotor (MK), Montenegro is located in the southwest part of Montenegro, and includes 56 recognized settlements as well as the innermost portion of the Bay of Kotor. Economy of MK is based on tourism, shipping and cruising. Medieval architecture and numerous monuments of cultural heritage included Kotor in the UNESCO list of “World Natural and Cultural Heritage”. Through the work of the Secretariat for Culture, Sports and Social Activities, MK implements activities within the competence of improving the rights and care of PWD. The same is reflected through cooperation with local organizations of PWD, providing free space for work, as well as providing logical and financial support in the implementation of the projects of those organizations. The MK formed the Council for the Rights of PWD as an advisory body whose work is based on cooperation with institutions relevant to the realization of the rights of PWD at the local level. Through the establishment of the Office for Projects, MK started and continues the path toward integration and implementation of EU values in various aspects, especially in the field of cultural heritage, tourism, maritime culture, but also in aspects of human rights and protection of minorities. Experience in cross-border cooperation has been proven by the implementation of numerous projects through Interreg cards phare, IPA Adriatic CBC, Interreg IPA CBC Cro-BiH-Mne, Interreg IPA CBC It-Alb-Mne and others. Also, MK continuously works in cooperation with other municipalities and regions, such as: Serbia, Croatia, Italy etc. exchanging examples of good practice and ideas for impro ving the quality of life in the city.

MAMM Ltd, Montenegro brings expertise in the digital marketing field, carefully curated through numerous collaborations and partnerships with various institutions and projects. From IEC Tehnopolis, to Business Centre Bar, British Council, Conference, EBRD, SWG RRD, USAID, GIZ, several Interreg projects, AIESEC, to mentoring of internal staff of numerous private sector companies, to commercial marketing strategies for companies and corporation. MAMM Ltd has experience in developing and implementing marketing training and strategies. As a part of the UNDP soundboard, MAMM was hired to give digital marketing workshops to PWD, covering digital media and PR. MAMM also worked with minorities.
Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro (AYDM) was established in 2001 as a non-profit, non-governmental organization in which persons with all types of disabilities, as well as other citizens interested in improving the position of PWD, especially young PWD, join voluntarily. It employs 34 people and other staff engaged in projects. AYDM’s goals and tasks are focused on cooperation with educational institutions for the purpose of creating better conditions in the area of education as well as cooperation with the social, professional and other organizations and communities in starting and implementing initiatives to contribute to the improvement of the position of the youth with disabilities in Montenegro. AYDM activities are implemented through programs that include education and training, employment and development of human resource, independent living, accessibility, legal issues and anti-discrimination, international cooperation and personal empowerment of PWD. AYDM’s experience in numerous projects is also important for this one, where they will contribute by ensuring that the project reaches the right people and that the project’s goal is achieved as best as possible.