As part of the DI-MARC project, which is funded by the European Social Fund, the level of digital marketing skills of people with physical disabilities in the Republic of Croatia is being examined. At the meeting held in Zagreb in March, Marija Šimatović, on behalf of the Association of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities “Jaglac” Orahovica, partner of the DI-MARC project, presented the project and invited all members of the Croatian Union of Associations of Youth and Students with Disabilities ( SUMSI) and the „Zamisli” Association to actively participate in the ongoing research process.

The research on the DI-MARC project is being conducted during March and April 2024 and will include more than 300 people with disabilities, from which a total of 75 candidates (25 candidates each from Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro) from the region will be selected for training in digital marketing.
Partners from Croatia participating in the DIMARC project are the Center for Entrepreneurship Osijek, the Entrepreneurship Development Center of the Municipality of Erdut, the local development agency d.o.o. and the Municipality of Erdut, which are actively involved in interviewing people with disabilities.