As part of the Di-Marc project “Digital Marketing Capacity Building – Empowering Persons with Physical Disabilities for Remote Work”, organized by the Center for Entrepreneurship, the “Jaglac” Association, the Entrepreneurial Development Center of the Municipality of Erdut and the Municipality of Erdut, the third and last module of education was completed.
Through III. Training module, participants had the opportunity to learn more about “content marketing”, that is, how to create digital content that attracts, engages and turns the audience into loyal customers.
As a reminder, the DI-MARC project was approved within the extremely competitive call ESF-2022-SOC-INNOV of the European Social Fund plus (ESF). The project’s activities are focused on the application of digital technologies in the function of improving inclusion, that is, improving the digital marketing competencies of people with physical disabilities, and for the purpose of strengthening the competencies required for remote work.
Finally, we would like to thank all participants once again for their interest, attendance and active participation during all three cycles of workshops. And for those who missed the live trainings, we use the opportunity to announce the possibility of participating in the online trainings that we are preparing and planning for 2025.